True Sports. Made Sustainable.

Lukas Dauser,
Deutschlands Sportler des Jahres

Sustainable Performance Wear

Ricarda Funk,
Olympiasiegerin Kanuslalom

When it comes to fairness, I turn into a tiger.

Leonie Ebert, European champion, nickname Little Tiger

With human rights I see 100% clearly.

Elena Semechin
Paralympics winner, 3% vision


True Sports. Made Sustainable.

Hannes Ocik, three-time world champion


We embrace true fairness not only in sports, but also when it comes to people and nature. The concept of sustainability is honored and valued throughout our entire value chain.


When it comes to the concept of sustainability, many myths are often shared. We plan to conquer this with a high level of transparency; in which we are proud to already have a stance. We are looking forward to the road ahead of us.

Welcome to Team Change

We're sports enthusiasts who have realized that no one wins when our environment loses. In our search for a cool, sustainable sports brand, we hit a dead end. Resultingly, we broke new ground, and founded an athletic brand that doesn't make profit its goal, but sustainability its commitment. A brand for everyone who wants to get back to the true core of sports. Honesty, transparency, and fairness.

Ten world-class athletes and teams have already joined the transformation. Welcome to Team Change.